Thursday, July 16, 2009

Share your good company customer experiences

In a previous discussion, we talked about bad company customer experiences. I think people will think twice now about flying United Airlines, or signing up for AT&T (dis)service.

Anyways, please share any of your good or great company customer experiences ALONG with why you think so. Thank you.

Blog Community Engagement

It often takes a little while for new blogs like this one to gain traction through posts and comments to discussions on an ongoing basis. Until then, I will initiate topics more frequently to keep the momentum.

I value your current participation, whether just monitoring or posting, and hope you continue to find increasing value here. As your time and interest allows, please feel free to go back to any previous discussions to post any comment, or start up a new topic of interest to you.

Thank you again for being a part of the Rich Customer Experience Community.